"Two creatures of the dark forest, robbing unsuspecting travelers and stealing from small villages, fall into a vortex of spheres that propel them into the heart of the unknown infinity"
Recorded by Zach Phillips ( Blanche Blanche Blanche, Bruce Hart), brattleboro VT USA in december of 2010 on a tascam portastudio. all sounds produced on my Yamaha keyboard handed down to me by my sister when I was 12.
"So the album is all about illuminati, 9-11, computers, post-apocalypse life, and mostly about palindromes. The whole album is actually a giant palindrome, with each song having a pair (its binary.) So the form of the first track and the form of the last track are mirror images of each other. And the same with the 2nd track and 2nd to last, and the whole first side is a mirror image of the 2nd side...etc "